Monday, October 29, 2007

Postgame comments From Nigel Dawes

Ya know, If I were a foot taller and still had the same athletic ability I'd be raking in so much money that it would make Jaromir Jagr blush. Here I am a little fireplug that can barely touch the top of the doorway when I walk thorough it (yeah I still do it just because I can). And Mr. captain can barely keep up with me in the goal scoring department. I'm gonna call Al Sharpton and see if he can get the goal that Jagr got credit for revoked. It went in off of Shanahan. Meanwhile, hell, the goal I scored tonight, well, all I gotta say is when you are good you are good. Wait till you see what happens when I actually try to shoot a puck on net. I rule. The NHL is mine. Fo Shizzle.

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